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Elsevier 2.0

Elsevier bietet Web 2.0 Features für verschiedene Produkte (SCOPUS, Science Direct). Gebündelt werden die Funktionalitäten unter der Plattform 2collab.com Ein Auszug aus der Elsevier-Werbung: *** Scopus is pleased to announce the integration of 2collab, a new and free collaborative research tool, to further increase research productivity by enhancing the researcher’s workflow. This will be available on the Scopus abstract pages as of Wednesday, November 28th, 2007. 1. *About 2collab * 2collab <http://mail.elsevier-alerts.com/go.asp?/bESC001/mIPYEH4/q0GGNH4/uJ0FQ4/xLKDQ5> is a new, free collaborative research tool that enables researchers to share bookmarks, references or any linked materials with their peers and colleagues. Users can share, collaborate and discuss resources either in private groups or openly with the wider scientific community. From the 27th November, 2collab will be officially launched to the wider scientific community. An integrated 2collab bookmark button will be automatically switched on in all Scopus and ScienceDirect accounts. 2collab is available at: www.2collab.com <http://mail.elsevier-alerts.com/go.asp?/bESC001/mIPYEH4/qR7G5H4/uJ0FQ4/xLKDQ5>. Currently the site is in beta. <http://mail.elsevier-alerts.com/go.asp?/bESC001/mIPYEH4/q9Y7NH4/uJ0FQ4/xLKDQ5> 2collab is a free service produced as a part of Elsevier’s initiative in developing Research 2.0 applications that make use of new social networking and information technologies, commonly referred to as Web 2.0. You can find the bookmark button on the Scopus abstract pages 2. *Key points* * 2collab enables researchers to collaborate online. Helping them process the wide breadth of information available today by giving them a platform to work as a community, 2collab will enable Elsevier to observe, analyse, and learn from the wider research community. * 2collab is an additional service libraries can offer to their users, complimenting other resources and helping to drive usage. Most importantly, it provides them with an insight into evolving information usage habits and research needs. * 2collab is a unique new web application developed through the combined efforts of members of the Scopus, ScienceDirect and User-Centered Design (UCD) departments. If you would like to know more, or tell us what you think, please contact the Scopus helpdesk <http://mail.elsevier-alerts.com/go.asp?/bESC001/mIPYEH4/q0Y75H4/uJ0FQ4/xLKDQ5>. We trust that you and your users will find these enhancements valuable to the literature research process. Many thanks, The Scopus team ***
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2 Responses

  1. Siehe auch den Beitrag bei Information Today.
    Hat jemand schon Erfahrungen damit gesammelt bzw. kann Auskunft geben, ob man da die Daten auch wieder herausbekommt?

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